Friday, March 6, 2009

Fellow Students Bloggs

Fellow students blogs


Lord knows we are all trying our hardest with the blogs that we are doing for our unit, so please check out your fellow students blogs and by helping them we are helping ourselves. Sometimes all we need is a "Excellent Work" or " Fantastic ideas" to make it all seem worth the effort.

Here's a list of the ones that I know of so far and if I have left you out, don't worry I will keep updating them as I get the time or links to do so.

Blog of MX


Blog skins....

Almost as good as buying the perfect pair of shoes I have found a new love, well something to keep me occupied for the next couple of days anyway.

Oh how I love searching thru and trying on blog skins. I think I tried on about 300 tonight and please please forgive me anyone who happened upon my blog and thought they were having a seizure when the blog template kept changing every time they clicked on something.

I tried everything from Kittens to Killers, Emo, Elephants and I think even Elmo ( who by the way has his own website). I discovered that I love vector and that too much yellow can make your eyes sore with in about 15 seconds.

Here is the site that I tried on most of my dresses I mean skins from


Have a look around and tell me what you think.



A good HTML website

While tourturing myself tonight trying to work out what skin/dress I should wear I cam across a pretty cool html site from which I got ideas to tweak my skin with.


Let me know if you find some HTML coding sites that you love love love.

It would be easier to pick out a dress to wear to the Oscars

I have absolutely positively no doubt that it would be easier to pick out a dress to wear to the oscars than pick a skin for this blogg. Like an insane woman I have tried on more skins then Hannibal Lecture, with not a drop of Chianti in site.

Please bear with me until I find what I am looking for.



Where are my posts


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Module One: The Further Exploration Part

This part of the module asks me to download a program called A-Tool bar, its freeware and you can find the download site and further infomation at


I am asked to ping the site (Black Board) which results in the program freezing and it goes into ( the program is not responding mode), so I reboot the computer and try again. No luck, I am trying to ping the address and its just freezing, I think perhaps I am pinging the wrong site and I figure its because this is a log in section of the website and that's why the reason why I can't get any response. I am going to ask a question in the forum and see if I am on the right track with my "what I am doing wrong" thoughts.

Trace Route

I leave my pinging problem and ping over to the next part of the the section which is running a trace route from my computer to Using my trusty A-tool bar I run a trace from my computer to curtin's and this is what I find.

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11 jumps instead of 16 and no time outs, the trace also seems to be completed much much quicker. Its amazing to me that those packets of infomation jump so many times and still manage to land where they are supposed to. A week ago I had no real understanding of routers, packets or hops, while I had heard of them I did not like most internet users even give them a second thought.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Module One: Internet Tools

Trace Routes


Trace route programs let us find out how many jumps our packets make before they reach their intended destination. Much like the links of chain in my photo, I see the hops as links in getting your or my info to its intended destination, please someone correct me if I am wrong.

I used the site

Here are my results doing a trace to is from Australia(AU) in region Oceana

TraceRoute to []
Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name
1 14 26 22 -
2 9 6 21
3 6 6 7
4 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
5 59 52 53
6 72 213 227
7 52 42 45 -
8 192 190 194
9 204 202 203
10 216 219 226
11 243 244 240
12 242 239 250
13 245 251 251
14 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
15 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
16 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
17 254 242 242

Now I am pretty sure that it took 16 jumps even though there are 17 entries the last one is the Curtin server. Now the average time if I am calculating correctly is 1.7 seconds for to be traced with a total of 16 jumps, which equals 110 mms per jump.

I.P freely.... The i.p. address for is

FTP : Comming to a screeching halt.

File Transfer Protocol Task.

FTP: I learnt that File Transfer Protocol is a fantastic way to transfer files, if you can get it to work. I am trying to get the read me txt as is part of our to do list and I keep getting an error that stops me from progressing any further. I have tried different ways of getting around it and even rebooted a couple of times. I have now asked for help on the forum and will keep trying in the mean time.
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This is the error that I have been getting.

Crisis Averted !!!!

While sitting here staring aimlessly at the FTP program I read the error and re- read it and then it dawned on me ( insert bells ringing and angels singing from on high) that I not paid any attention to my side I was too busy scrolling through the remote site to worry about my site with obvious consequences.

Now the earth is back rotating on its axis and the birds are singing in the trees and I know that ...

This server runs on a unix platform, so CAPITALIZATION MATTERS!

Module One: The Introduction Task B

Task B

So now that I am a pro at using Telnet and have navigated all the way to the Deakin University's Library I decide that blikinglights is going to be easy peasy.

I bring up telnet again and type the o enter the address and then it appears.....hmm I think this is pretty different. Then I start getting flashbacks to the 80's and remember when we thought our sole school computer was the coolest cause the letters were orange rather than the standard green. Anyhoo, the movie starts and I sit thru a fair amount before I can take no more. I call over my offspring and explain to her what myunderstanding of telnet is and then show her blinkinglights, she thinks its cool but is thankful for the way computers have progressed.

As I watch starwars for the second time I start to see past the funny movie and think about how much time and effort was put into that production. Considering there was no cutting and pasting of any kind just the data entry side alone makes my head spin.

Telnet rating Awsome, but tiring.

Module One: The Introduction

Telnet - The Task

Ok so I start this first task with excitement and a smidge of fear, I have never even heard of telnet and here I am about to access a computer across the country with a program I didn't even know was on my computer......Deep breath...

I am using flock as my browser I hope this telnet thing will work as I rarely use internet explorer anymore.

I enter the telnet:// into the adress bar and the launch application box appears, I click the appropriate boxes and suddenly a ominous black box appears.

~Ok~ problem number one I find that I can't just cut and paste which of course is my automatic reaction when I know I have to type in an address. Ok so I type in the address and it spits it back at me, hmmmm ok I work out what I need to do and whooo hoooo I am connected with the deakin library, I am rocking this Telnet thing.

I do the search send an email back to myself about the books available from authors with that surname. I check my inbox and there is the email waiting for me to be honest I kinda had my doubts as to weather or not it would show up.

I think Telnet is still relevant and for the present time think that its cool, although I dont know how I would be if telnet was my only form of communication.

Wetware anyone?

Reading through Module 1 I come across the term "wetare" a quick search in gives me the following explanation.


/wet'weir/ n. [prob. from the novels of Rudy Rucker]
1. The human nervous system, as opposed to computer hardware or software. "Wetware has 7 plus or minus 2 temporary registers."
2. Human beings (programmers, operators, administrators) attached to a computer system, as opposed to the system's hardware or software. link

Monday, March 2, 2009

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Strangely this phrase is played over and over again in the back of my brain as I start reading "The Concepts" section of my NET 11 unit.

Greetings and salutations are usually inserted somewhere here, so I give them freely to you and hope that you will come along for the ride as I learn about the net and all the wild and wonderful things it can do.

Before I kick off though here is a list of my five tips for Blogger's and Blogging

5 Tips for Blogging.

1. Let people feel the emotion in your posts. Bloggs are just words on a page for some but any blogger worth their salt will take you with them on their journey.
2. Check your spelling, pretty self explanatory and while an occasional mistake is over looked reading sentences that look like alphabet soup makes your reader want to gouge their eyes out with a spoon.
3. Post in a manner that asks the reader to ask questions or makes the reasses their views on a particular subject.
4. Give credit where credit is due, remember to reference if your quoting someone.
5. Have fun, let people read the smile in your posts as it will keep them comming back.

So back to the concepts document what did I learn, I learn that email is asynchronous communication even though sometimes it may seem synchronous. People ( read Me) have an expectation that emails sent will be replied to with in a reasonable amount of time ( reasonable amount varies from person to person).

Ephemerality, I love that word. To be honest I had never heard of it before and had to do a quick dictionary search to find out that it means "lasting one day, transitory, fleeting". After a quick read of section 9 I realize that we as Internet users often assume that websites especially those that are well built or visually pleasing give the viewer a feeling of permanency, when in reality their life span is ephemeral. Section 9 also made me reassess my view on emails which we traditionally look at as being quite disposable but in actuality are anything but.

All in all the concepts document has made me look closely at the way I travel through cyberspace, how I interact with others , if the expectations I put on fellow
netziens are realistic and how I use different forms of communication.

So I come to the end of the concepts document, I uncross my eyes, take a deep breath and embark on a journey into Nett 11.

Links to check out....
Curtin University
Open University Australia
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy