Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Module One: The Introduction Task B

Task B

So now that I am a pro at using Telnet and have navigated all the way to the Deakin University's Library I decide that blikinglights is going to be easy peasy.

I bring up telnet again and type the o enter the address and then it appears.....hmm I think this is pretty different. Then I start getting flashbacks to the 80's and remember when we thought our sole school computer was the coolest cause the letters were orange rather than the standard green. Anyhoo, the movie starts and I sit thru a fair amount before I can take no more. I call over my offspring and explain to her what myunderstanding of telnet is and then show her blinkinglights, she thinks its cool but is thankful for the way computers have progressed.

As I watch starwars for the second time I start to see past the funny movie and think about how much time and effort was put into that production. Considering there was no cutting and pasting of any kind just the data entry side alone makes my head spin.

Telnet rating Awsome, but tiring.

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